Friday, November 29, 2019

The Philip Clarke Passes Detroit

Last Sunday, I saw that another ship would be passing by Detroit, so I decided to head down there.
 Before catching that other ship, I saw that the Philip R. Clarke would be heading downbound.
 I like catching the Clarke but then again, I like catching of the ships that look like her.
 I think she was on her way down from Calcite and heading to Toledo.  If that is the case, she would have been carrying a load of stone.
 I don't think she heads to a part of Toledo where I can get good pictures though.  With the blue sky, it was a perfect day but a little on the cold side.
 She passes the Windmill Point lighthouse.  This is where she makes her final turn for heading into the Detroit River.
 This was the first time that I've been on the rocky beach of Belle Isle in a while.  It was nice but the water was too high.  I had to look around before finding a good spot.
 She finishes her turn for the river.  It's amazing, it seems like it takes ships forever to get to this point but once they are here, they pass pretty quickly.
 Another shot of the Windmill Point lighthouse.
 One of the things that I like about this part of Belle Isle is that you can get a view of the ship without anything in the background.
 She starts to enter the mouth of the River.
 And you start seeing the outskirts of Windsor.
 Unfortunately, I didn't have too many shots here as I was starting to get into the sun.
 One more shot before she gets too far into the light.
 The other ship I was hoping to catch had to stop for fuel, so that meant a trip down to Riverside Park.  I arrived in time to get this shot.
 The MacArthur Bridge in the background.
 More of Belle Isle in the background.
 If you look to the right of the picture, you can see the Nancy Brown Peace Carillon.
 A shot of Windsor in the background.
The Clarke passing under the Ambassador Bridge with the Westcott delivering supplies.

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