Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Ship of Destiny

Since I was at Riverside, I had the opportunity to catch another ship.
 As it turns out, the Arthur M. Anderson was docked in Windsor.  Based on Marine Traffic, she arrived sometime last night.  I was actually hoping that I would catch her somewhere on the river but that was not to be.
 As I type out this post, it is the Anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald.  She would go down with 29 lives and have a song written about her.  The song of course makes the Fitzgerald the most famous shipwreck on the Great Lakes.  Since it was also the most recent on the Lakes, it sticks in people's mind.  (There have been some minor sinkings but not with as many people).
The Arthur M. Anderson gets a little bit of that fame because she is known as the last ship to be in contact with the Fitzgerald.  She was also in her safe anchorage when she was asked to go back out with the William Clay Ford to search for any survivors from the Fitzgerald.  They didn't find any though.  I don't think that fame will save her when her time comes but I hope they are able to put her pilothouse next to the Ford's at Dossin.

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