Saturday, November 9, 2019

When Life Gives You Lemons

I was not expecting to catch the next ship because I was hoping to be back on my way home when she passed.   However, we had to wait for the tow truck (well it turns out that it wasn't actually a tow truck  but more on that later).  As a result, I had a chance to catch the next ship.
 The next ship was the Sam Laud.  I think she was coming up from Cleveland.
 If I remember correctly, she had been doing quite a few shuttle loads on the Cuyahoga River, so I'm guessing the crew was happy to get a different view.
 I think she was heading up to Calcite where she would pick up a load of stone.
 Sadly, my light was going but I have pretty decent low light capability on my camera.
 I kind of liked the way the smoke was coming up.

 The almost beam shot.
 And a beam shot.
And she continues on her way.

Shortly after this picture, the tow truck guy came by.  He was actually in a van and I was expecting him to pull out jumper cables.  Instead, he had a little unit that was enough to charge the battery.  My mom wanted me to get a new battery but it turns out, her battery was fine, it was just run out by the oxygenator.  I guess I'll have to remember that next time.

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