Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Few Shots of the Detroit Skyline

Also, as I was leaving Belle Isle, I kind of liked the way the sunset was looking behind the skyline.
 I took this one right after I passed the Yacht Club.  It's probably not an ideal spot to stop but it makes for a nice picture.
 This was from in front of a bath house.  There is a little beach there and I may have to explore it again in the future.
 A shot of the skyline from another part of the island.
 As I was taking a picture, I saw a plane flying over.  If you look at the little speck at the top of the picture, it is a 757.
 Another shot.  I think there is a Coast Guard boat in the lower part of the picture.
 Another shot with a plane in it.  Again, I think it was a 757.
 I tried to get the Ambassador Bridge in the shot.
And one more before moving on.

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