Sunday, December 29, 2019

Foggy Day Wolverine

It was foggy today.  There was quite a bit of moisture in the air and the weather has been warm lately.  I was going to go plane watching.  When I arrived at Metro Airport, I could hear the planes flying over but I couldn't see them.  I realized that I might be able to get a picture of the Wolverine.
 So I headed back to Ypsilanti and made it back in time to catch the east bound Wolverine.  It was delayed by about a half hour.
 I kind of like this shot as it emerges from the fog.  I just wish the lights weren't so bright.
 Then I saw this picture.  I kind of wish it were a steam engine though.  I think that would look cool.
 And it passes the depot.
And continues on its way to Dearborn and points beyond.

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