Sunday, December 29, 2019

Pictures from the QuickLane Bowl

So I went to the game.
 Another shot of the mounted police outside of the stadium.  I thought they looked pretty cool.
 The Eastern Michigan band before the game.  They looked pretty good as they played.
 The University of Pittsburgh band.  They were also pretty good.  I think there were more of them too.
 The drum major.  she had quite a bit of flexibility.
 As they were performing before the game.
 the Pittsburgh band before they marched off the field.
 This was the guy that was singing the National Anthem.
 The color guard.
 Eastern Michigan brought their eagle.  Shame they didn't have her fly around the stadium.
 Eastern Michigan had special helmets for this game.  It said "QuickLane Bowl" in the E.
 One of the signs at the game.  Pat Narduzzi is the coach of Pittsburgh.  He used to be defensive coordinator at Michigan State.
 Another one of the signs at the game.
 My favorite picture from the game.  Quarterback Mike Glass III on a run.  For other pictures, go to Hustle Belt.
 The Pittsburgh band at halftime.
 One of the majorettes.
 The drum major.
 Another majorette.
 The Eastern Michigan band.
 One of the Eastern Michigan color guard.
 She was twirling the flag as well.
 One more shot of the color guard.
 Some of the band members.
 The tuba guy.
 One of the horn players.
 A shot of the tuba.
 Another of Swoop.
A shot of the Eastern Michigan fans in attendance.  I think they had an announced attendance of 34,000 and I am guess that well over half of those people were Eastern Michigan fans.  I never thought I would see this many Eastern fans in one place.  It would be really nice if they could get these folks to come to the games at Rynearson.

Anyway, Pittsburgh ended up winning 34-30 but it wasn't for a lack of Eastern Michigan trying.

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