Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Alpena Passes By Detroit

On Saturday I was going to head up to Owosso to try to catch the Pere Marquette 1225 but I didn't feel up to waking up that morning.  So  I hung around my place until I took a look at Marine Traffic.
 I saw that the Alpena was heading down.  I also saw that it wasn't going to be passing Detroit until later in the afternoon.  So I decided to watch the Michigan game.
 The game wasn't over but I decided to head down to Detroit since it was over for the most part.  I thought that I left myself with enough time but she was already passing Belle Isle as I arrived.
 But that was okay as I didn't have to use my big lens.
 Given the lighting, that was probably a good  thing.
 One more shot a Belle Isle.
 I decided to head down to Riverside Park because I wanted to get some different angles.  I didn't have too much time as my lighting was getting progressively worse.
 But a little lightening before posting helped.
 She was heading down from Alpena and heading to the cement dock in Detroit.
 She passes Windsor.
 Passing under a lit Ambassador Bridge.

  She was making preparations for docking.
One more shot before leaving.

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