Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Pair of Wolverines to Bring in the New Year

I was feeling a little under the weather today.  I think I caught a cold somewhere but it wasn't too severe.  As such, I didn't want to head over to the airport and shipping was still feeling the effects of the weather, so there weren't any ships to catch today.  It was a sunny day out and I decided I didn't want to miss out on taking pictures.
 So headed down to Depot Town to catch the west bound Wolverine.  It was running a little late this morning.  I had to stand to this side because I would be shooting into the sun from my normal side.
 It was equipped with the old engines.
 And you can see the snow stuck to the front of it.
 I think they are going to use these for a while as they phase the new engines in.
 I kind of like this shot.
 And the Wolverine passes me.
 I went out a little later to catch the east bound Wolverine.
 This one was running about an hour late.  But I wanted to catch it because I figured the light would be better.
 It was also one of the new engines.
 As it passes the Depot.  As I was looking at my other pictures, I noticed that they had the start for fencing for this.  I wonder if that means they are going to start working on this depot.
 If so, it would be nice to see this restored to some form of glory.
 A shot of the engine.
The Wolverine continues on its way to Dearborn.

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