Monday, February 17, 2020

A Stop at Jennison Nature Center

After stopping at the Edson yesterday, I decided to head over to the Bay City State Park.  At one end of the park, there is the Jennison Nature Center.  It now know as the Saginaw Bay Visitor Center after a pretty extensive renovation in 1995 that nearly doubled its size.  It was originally built in 1940 as a hunting lodge and served as a nature center.   I've never seen after the renovation, so it was a big surprise and pretty nice.  If you are ever in the area, it is worth a look.
 They still have the various stuffed animals that they used to have.  This is a badger.
 A blue heron.
 An owl.
 Some wood ducks.
 If I remember correctly, this wolverine was found in the thumb and was the first wolverine spotted in Michigan (besides zoos) for over 200 years.  They found his body and he's now stuffed.
I remember this eagle from the old center.  It looks like they did some restoration on it.  I think when it was in the old building it was over a flag.  I'll have to admit, it looks pretty nice.

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