Saturday, February 22, 2020

Catching the Eagles

So I headed over to Magee Marsh Wildlife Area.  I was hoping that I didn't get too late of a start.
 As I arrived, I saw this guy flying towards the nest.  The eagle that was standing near the nest went nuts.  I don't think this eagle was a part of that nest.
 He ended up flying away.
 So then I walked over to catch the other eagle.  I think this one is the female of the pair.
 It was a little on the windy side.
 While I was taking picture of the eagles, I saw these guys flying towards the area.
 I kind of like this picture.
 I saw this guy flying behind the trees.  I would like this picture more if the branches weren't in the way.
 I went back to taking pictures of the other eagle.  She was just looking around.  I think the eagle in the other tree was the male of the pair and he was standing watch.
 I kind of like the way the sun is reflecting on her.
One more shot before going home.

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