Friday, February 7, 2020

The Hunger or Snow Moon

As I was heading home from work tonight, I looked up at the sky and I thought the moon looked pretty cool.  So I grabbed my camera when I got home and took some pictures.
 Since I'm kind of on the flight path for Metro Airport when they are coming in from the south but landing from the north of the airport.  The planes pass over Ypsilanti and then circle back to Ypsilanti.  I don't remember where this plane was flying from, but I think it is an A319.
 If I weren't messing with the focal length, I think I could have gotten a picture I've been trying to get for a while.  Namely, the plane as it passes by the moon.
 Anyway, some native Americans called the February full moon, the Hunger Moon because food was getting kind of scarce at this point in the winter.  Other groups would call it the snow moon because of the snow in February.
 I guess it's not quite the full moon until Sunday but given where I live, I'll take what I can get.  I think it is supposed to be a super moon too.
 Next I caught an American Airlines 737 as it was arriving from Dallas.
 Every time I see this livery, I think of the Bob Marley "One Love" song.
One more shot of the moon.

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