Thursday, March 12, 2020

A Mildly Peeved Lake Michigan

Like I said, I saw that it was windy on Lake Michigan on Sunday, so I decided to head over that way.
 It wasn't quite as windy as I was hoping but there was enough wave action.  There evidently was enough for some people to try their hand at surfing.
 I kind of like this shot.
 The rocks leading out to the pier.  I'm glad they got the catwalk back.
 I decided to head out on the pier a little bit but the water was coming over the pier.
 I like the reflection.
 I really like this shot.  I just wish the tower were clearer in the picture.
 A closer shot of the tower.
 There was a still a little bit of snow.  I suspect if I went there this week there wouldn't be.
 you can see some of the waves crashing over the pier but they weren't quite as dramatic as I was hoping.
We stayed a little longer.  There were a few surfers in the water, but they didn't surf long enough for me to get a decent picture.

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