Tuesday, March 10, 2020

A Stop at Fish Point

On Saturday I decided that I wanted to attempt to catch the Snowy Owls at Fish Point.  Got up early and ended up picking up my aunt in Saginaw.  I was thinking that I didn't have too many more opportunities to get one this year as it is starting to get warmer.  It was also a pretty nice day, so I had that going for me too.
 I didn't see any snowy owls but I did see these guys.
 I'm not sure if they are trumpeter swans or tundra swans.  I'm leaning more towards trumpeter swans because I think tundra swans have a little yellow near the beaks.
 At any rate, this is a sign of spring.
 And I will have to say they look pretty neat.
 I think I was more happy to see this guy.  I don't normally see Sandhill cranes at Fish Point.  I usually see them at Kensington or further up north.
 A flock of Canada geese flying by.
 I'm not sure about this picture.
 A pair of Sandhill cranes.
 I think I got a little too close.

The pair of them of flying away.

As we were leaving Fish Point, I saw an eagle flying around.  Unfortunately, I couldn't stop in a good spot to get a picture of him.

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