Tuesday, March 10, 2020

A Stop at the Lumerman's Monument

This is located about 15 miles to the west of Oscoda on River Road.  It is a nice drive along the Au Sable River.  There are a couple of other spots where you can stop.
 The statue was built in 1931 by Robert Ingersoll Aitken.   It depicts three lumbermen.  The guy on the left is a river rat with a peavey.  They would control the logs as they headed towards the river.  The man in the middle has a compass and book.  I assume he would be a surveyor.  The guy on the left is a sawyer.
 A close up of the river rat.
 The middle man.
 And the guy on the right.
 At one time, Northern Michigan would be covered in virgin forest.  Deforestation would lead to the decline by the early 1900s.
 An example of a log jam.
One more picture of the statue.

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