Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Stop at Marblehead Lighthouse

So I decided I wanted to go do some photography on Saturday.  I figured that I would go to places where I wasn't likely to be near bunches of people.  I stopped at Ottawa National Wildlife Area first but their road wasn't open.  Then I stopped at Magee Marsh.  I saw an eagle as we were heading in but I couldn't get my camera ready before he flew away.  So then I decided to continue east.

I was on a mission.
 But before I got to my objective, I had to make a stop at Marblehead Lighthouse.  I wasn't sure if I would get out and take pictures.  It was a nice day and there might be a few people there.  If there were, I wasn't going to take pictures there.  There weren't, so I got out and take pictures.
 Last time I was here, there was scaffolding around the lighthouse.  The scaffolding was gone but it looks like they still need to do some work to it.
 Built in 1822, this is the oldest continuously operating lighthouse on the US side of the Great Lakes.  It is still an active aid to navigation.
 It was last renovated in 2002, so it needed some work.
 There were a few people but I was able to maintain some distance from them.  Shortly after I left Ohio, the Governor closed down all the restaurants and bars.
 It was a little on the windy side, so Lake Erie was a little angry.
One more shot before moving on.

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