Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus and Normalcy

I'll have more pictures than this tonight.  Yesterday I decided to head to the airport to get some pictures in.  I had a feeling that it might be my last chance for a while.  And sure enough, our Governor put the state on lockdown today.  And that means that you can only venture outside for essential travel.  Granted, photography might fit under the category of exercise, not sure I want to push this one.
Anyway, I'm now on my second week of working at home.  I'm pretty fortunate in that I have a job where I can do most of my job at home.  There are many people who do not.  So while I'm sure this will work out for me, I'm not sure how it will impact other people.
This is making me realize just how fragile our society is.  Theoretically, we are a country that shouldn't want for anything, yet it is difficult to get toilet paper and some basic food items.  Hospitals are having a tough time getting important personal protective equipment.  If this goes the way that it's gone in other countries, hospitals might have to make decide who gets care and who gets comforted as they die.
We are supposed to be a first world country.  In fact, we are supposed to be the premier first world country.  We shouldn't be having these fundamental issues but we do.  It is not right.  And while we are having these issues, our politicians are dithering and trying to assign blame.  Many of our politicians decided that this would provide a good opportunity to cash out.  I seriously hope those folks get the books thrown at them.  Our people decided that it was a good time to hoard.
But despite all this, you still hear about the good people.  I'm pretty sure we'll get through this.

anyway, I have another post from yesterday coming up.  I figured I would get this one out there.

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