Friday, March 6, 2020

Lunchtime Distance Spotting

I took my camera into work with me yesterday because I was planning to go spotting after work.  It is staying light later and that gives me the opportunity to catch a few flights.  Since I had a meeting right after lunch, I decided to stay in for lunch and that gave me a little time for some spotting.
 When the wind is blowing in a certain direction, the planes will fly almost right over our building.  It's fun when I hear a DC-9 or 727 from Willow Run fly over.  This was neither of those but just a 737.  Not sure where it was heading though.
 It was followed by a CRJ.
 Another 737.  I think this one was heading to the west coast somewhere.
 I think this CRJ was on its way to Grand Rapids.  If not, I'll pretend it was.
And a Cessna doing touch and goes out of Ann Arbor Airport.

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