Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Sun and Walk and Keeping My Distance

It was a nice night.  The executive order on my state does not preclude going out and getting some exercise.  That is as long as we keep our distance.  It was a very nice night (maybe a little chilly), so I decided to take myself and my camera for a walk.
 I saw this plane flying over my place as I was walking out.  I didn't have time to check FlightRadar but based on pattern, it would have been an A220 coming in from Dallas.  Flight traffic has taken a huge hit.  Well, I know it's an A220, just not sure of origin.
 I know this guy is a robin.  I'm glad that I have a lens with the reach to get these guys but I still had to do some blowing up.
 Same robin looking in a different direction.
 I think this is a sparrow.
 Same robin.
 This is a male house finch.
 I will have to say he is a pretty nice bird.
 Not quite as regal as a cardinal but still pretty nice.
 Just another view.
 This is a 757 and I think it would have been heading off to Seattle.  If what I'm reading is true, it is probably at about 20% of capacity.  I can't imagine flying in those conditions, but at least the plane isn't crowded.
And this is a Chessie looking at her crazy human.

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