Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Herbert C. Jackson at the Cleveland Bulk Terminal

The shipping season has started for a handful of ships.  They are mostly ships that are on the south side of the Soo Locks and don't have to go through the Welland Canal.
 The Herbert C. Jackson is one of them.  I was hoping to catch her so I headed over to Cleveland.  My luck with not running into people continued.  Granted, for the most part, shipwatching is a fairly isolated activity.
 The Jackson has been doing shuttle runs for a couple of weeks now.  That is where a ship will pick of a load of iron at the terminal here and take it down the Cuyahoga to the steel mill down there.
 They can't take much down there and ships can't be too long because of the bends of the Cuyhoga River.  I was kind of hoping I would catch her going down the River.
At any rate, I needed to see a ship, so this filled a role.

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