Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Moon Over South Haven

As I was watching the lighthouse, I looked behind me.  The moon looked pretty neat in the setting sun.
While I don't think this was the full moon, it was pretty close.  The March full moon is called the worm moon.  It is called the worm moon because this is roughly when the earthworms start to appear.

And on a side note, I'm not sure how the coronavirus is going to affect things on this blog.  Mainly because I don't know how it is going to affect other things.  I am hearing that they have more cases in Ohio.  Here in Michigan, they are closing schools left and right.  We're even making contingencies at work in case we need to work from home.

It would be nice if people would calm down but I can understand.  The future looks scary but we've been through stuff like this before.

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