Thursday, April 30, 2020

And the Algoma Conveyor

As I was about to leave, I saw that the Algoma Conveyor was coming up.
 I forget where she was coming up from but she was heading to Goderich, Ontario.
 I think she would pick up a load of salt there.  I don't understand that as she is a fairly new boat and they don't usually carry salt.
 I wonder if she has the specially designed holds like other ships that carry salt.
 At any rate, her name reminds me of the Atlantic Conveyor which was a container ship lost in the Falklands War.
 I think that Atlantic Conveyor was being used to ferry Harriers because the British aircraft carriers couldn't carry enough.
 It makes an almost beam shot.
 I kind of like the sky in this picture.
 The beam shot.
One more shot.

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