Sunday, April 5, 2020

Catching an Owl in Ann Arbor

I'm on a Michigan birding group on Facebook.  I saw a picture of an owl family in Ann Arbor.   For grins, I decided to look up owls in Ann Arbor and I found a park that apparently had them.  I decided to head over there.
 As I was about ready to head home after not seeing them, I saw a couple photographers pointing cameras in the woods.  I kind of figured they were taking pictures of the owls.  I got near them (but not closer than 6 feet) and they pointed out the owls to me.  After a few minutes, they got out of the way so that i could get some pictures.
 I saw this turkey vulture flying over.
 They also pointed out the dad owl.  He was kind of in a difficult spot and after looking for a while, I spotted him.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get a great picture from this spot.
 I took some more pictures of the babies.
 Occasionally, I'd hear sounds from the father owl and then I would hear return sounds from what I assumed was the mother.  I moved around trying to spot her and then I saw this squirrel.  I was hoping this squirrel would bring her out but that wasn't to be.
 Another shot of the babies.
 I tried to move to different spots to get a picture of the dad.
 Then I saw this hawk flying around.
 I was happy to spot this blue jay.
 Another shot of the dad.
 I went to the other side of the river to try to get a picture from the front.  Unfortunately, this was the best I could do.
 After dinner, I decided to head back to the park.  I was hoping to get some better pictures.  The owl had moved, so it wasn't too bad.  There were more people this time but I kept my distance from them.  They weren't keeping their distance from each other though.
 I was able to move around in an attempt to get some better pictures.  I kind of like this one.
 Another picture that I kind of like.
 This one may be the best picture of the bunch.
One more picture.

I will definitely come back here.  Maybe I can get some better pictures.

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