Thursday, April 16, 2020

One of My G.I. Joes

I didn't really feel like going out tonight.   I ended up taking a nap when I was finished with work for the day.  As a result, I got a late start on dinner and consequently a late finish.  It was still light out but it was a little on the chilly side.  So I ended up watching a movie.
I figured that I needed to do a picture for tonight.  I've actually been pretty good about doing a post lately.  I decided to do one of my G.I. Joe figures.  In this case, it is Flint.

Flint is actually one of my favorite characters.  Not so much for his character but he reminds of another character, Mack Bolan.  I used to read the Mack Bolan books in high school and I used to enjoy them.   I'm not sure I would enjoy them now but you never know.  Probably if I read them now, I would think they are the male version of romance novels.

Anyway, enjoy the figure.

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