Monday, April 6, 2020

Owl Be Back

So I decided to head back to the owls tonight after dinner.  I was hoping that I would get a better glimpse of the adult owls.
 I didn't get my wish but the younger owls were more active tonight.  It seemed like this one was stretching his wings.
 But then again, so was this one.
 This one went up and started to balance.
 He wasn't quite kiting like I saw the eagles do last year, but he was spreading his wings.
 I kind of like this shot as he jumped down into the nest.
 He might have been picking at food.
 And then he jumped up again.
 I kind of like this photo because it almost looks like he is ready to take off.
 One of the folks there pointed out where the mom was, so I went out to seek her.  I had to crop this one a bit but I managed to get her.
 I kind of like this shot.
 And she was surveying the area.
 I saw this squirrel and I was hoping.
And I got one more picture of the young owls.  I'll have to say that they are pretty cute.

And a side note, I was practicing social distancing by staying away from the other folks.  And I was alone for the shot of the mother owl.

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