Saturday, April 11, 2020

Tonight at Gallup

I guess it's good that there are some decent parks nearby.  I was thinking about heading over to Embury Road but that might be a little outside of what could be considered as "going to the park".  Especially since there really isn't a park over there.  So I decided to head over to Gallup Park after dinner tonight.
 First up was a mallard.
 He was just kind of swimming around the pond.
 I kind of like the lighting on this one.  It almost looks like it would be a good sketch.
 Since the airport couldn't be considered as the park, I have to get my planewatching in this way.  I think this is either an A300 or a 767.  It is definitely a Fed Ex plane.  I should have looked it up when I caught the picture.  Turns out I was wrong on both accounts, it was a 777.  It was heading from Cologne to Memphis.
 A Canada goose.
 I think this is a tundra swan but I'm not sure.
 It could just be a trumpeter swan.
This is a mute swan.

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