Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Stop at Island Park

So last Monday I decided to take my mom over to Embury Road.  I figured that since it was on the way, I would take her over to Island Park in order to see the owls.  Unfortunately, the owls were out and about.
 I was able to get a picture of this mallard.
 He was joined by another mallard. I thought this was kind of unusual because they usually chase other male ducks away.
 I kind of like this picture.
 And a mallard washing himself off.
 As I was coming back to the car, I saw this guy.  He was flitting between the different trees.
 I'm always happy to catch a cardinal because they can be a pain to catch.
 I kind of like this shot.
 He kind of looks like he's saying, "What are you looking at?".
Magnificent bird.

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