Monday, May 11, 2020

Catching the Federal Seto

Last Sunday night, I headed over to Belle Isle.  I saw that I had a chance to catch a pair of ships.  It was nasty for part of the day but it was starting to clear up by evening.
 First up was the Federal Seto.
 She is one of a number of ships that is owned by Federal Navigation.  She is also one of a number salties that sail on the Great Lakes.
 She was heading up to Duluth.  I think while she was there, she would pick up a load of grain.
 A shot of her pilothouse.

 Her bow.  Salties tend to have different bows than lakers.
 Her plimsoll lines.
 A shot of her stack.
This is a submersible liferaft.  It can be completely surround by water and still float.  Typically these are found on salt water vessels.  If needed, they slide down the rails.

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