Friday, May 1, 2020

Catching Up With the Cuyahoga

This is the other ship that I wanted to catch.
 Mainly because the Cuyahoga is starting to look pretty long in the tooth.  But that is to be expected of a boat that is over 70 years old.
 While she is not the oldest boat on the lakes, she is pretty close to that.  I think her older fleet mate is going to be retired this year (although I'm not sure).
 Anyway, her retirement isn't too far in the future.
 She's on her way to Toledo with a load of grain, I think.
 The almost beam shot.
 the beam shot.  There is something special about the looks of a classic laker.  There aren't too many ships in the world that look like this.
 She passes by and in about 5 hours from this picture, she will be in Toledo.
And she continues on.

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