Thursday, May 21, 2020

I Like Saginaw in the Rain

These are pictures from last Sunday.  It was raining on and off all day but I decided I wanted to get some ship pictures.  As I headed to Belle Isle, it stopped raining.  Of course when I got to Belle Isle, it started to rain again.  Although it wasn't a hard rain.
 So first up was the Saginaw.  She was the main reason I went down to Belle Isle.
 Unfortunately, I don't remember where she was heading from.
 But I seem to remember that she was heading to Windsor.  That is likely with a load of stone or wheat.
 From what I've read, the grain harvest has been quite good and there has been a large demand for grain, so the Canadian ships are pretty busy.
 I think of the pictures, I like this one best.
 She almost gives me the beam shot.
 And the beam shot.  After this shot, it started to rain harder, so many of the shots after this were not that great.
And one more as she continues on.

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