Saturday, May 30, 2020

An Engine in St. Louis

My mom and I were going to head up to Traverse City today but we got a pretty late start.  We also took a very indirect route before heading north.  This route took us by Embury Road  but all of the trillium were gone and pretty much what was left was wild geranium.  Then I took a circuitous route to get to M-52 in order to head north.
So then I got on I-96 to continue west until I reached US 131.  I turned north on 131 and then headed to Lakeview because I heard there was an eagle's nest there.  I wasn't exactly sure where it was.  It was almost four in the afternoon when we got there.  So we decided to head east on M-46 to head home.
 After I passed through St. Louis, I saw a chunk of track heading south and I saw this engine on it.  The engine belongs to the Huron and Eastern railroad but it looks like it's been there a while.
 I got out of the car and walked over to get some angles that I wouldn't get with a moving train.  As I looked at the track, it looked like this section of track hasn't been used in a while.
 I also think this may be an older paint scheme as the newer engines that belong to this company are an orange (because they were bought by a different company).
 Looking up at the cab.  I kind of liked the different angle.
 This is an angle I don't normally get.
One more picture before moving on.

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