Monday, May 4, 2020

Return to Embury Road

So last week I decided to take my mom over to Embury Road.  She hasn't been out of the apartment since this Covid thing has been happening in Michigan.  I think she needed to get out (even if she didn't want to).  It is off of North Territorial Road and it is near where M-52 meets up with it.  Anyway, it seems like it may have been stocked with wildflowers because there is a pretty nice variety.
 I think this is called a star flower.
 This is white one.
 These are marsh marigolds.
 It seemed like there were alot more this year than in years past.  But then again, we had a pretty wet April.
 Another angle of those.
 One more shot of them.
 I think these are violets.
 Another group of violets.
 I don't remember if this is Solomon's seal or false Solomon's seal.  Either way it is a pretty cool plant.
 I don't remember what these are called.
 But they are pretty cool looking.
 Another group of those flowers.
 A turkey vulture as we left the road.
 Another angle of him.  These are pretty ugly looking birds but they are pretty cool too. 
 I was happy to see a Blandings turtle, but I think this guy lives here because I always see him in the same spot.  He was tough to get pictures of because he ducked in the water as soon as he saw me the first time.
It was a little easier the second time.

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