Sunday, May 31, 2020

Blue Flag Irises in Belleville

So I ended up taking a pretty convoluted way of getting home from Crosswinds.  I was hoping to stop at the other eagles nest but I didn't realize that Haggerty takes a weird path back to I-94.  Somehow I ended up in Belleville.
 As I was passing through Belleville, I saw a flower garden with the some blue flag irises.
 I like the blue flag iris, so I stopped to get some pictures.
 I don't think they are quite fully bloomed but they still looked pretty cool.
 Some of the flowers were getting different light but I'm not sure if that is why they look different.
I kind of like this one.
 this one looked more like what I'm used to.
 I was trying some different angles.

And one more flower before heading home.

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