Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Algoma Guardian Heads Upbound

I wasn't sure if I would catch any of the upbound ships.  They were at the mouth of the Detroit River when I left and I wasn't sure I would stay at Belle Isle long enough.
 The Algoma Guardian was heading upbound.  The Marine Traffic Apps says that she was heading from Port Weller but I think she was heading from further than that.  Port Weller would have been the last spot she left from the Welland Canal.
 She was heading up to Superior, Wisconsin though.  I think she might have been picking up a load of grain.
 Anyway, it seems like it has been a while since I've seen the Guardian.
 I think she might be on the chopping block soon though.

 the beam shot.
 I had to swap lenses for the next ship.  So I took a shot of her pilothouse.
And she continues on her way.  In about 48 hours, she'll be in Superior.

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