Monday, May 18, 2020

The Pilot Boat

I was not expecting to catch this boat but it was kind of cool.
 Port Huron is one of the pilot transfer points on the Great Lakes.  I think there is one at the Welland Canal.  There is another one in Detroit (that's where the Wescott is).  There is also one up at Sault Ste Marie.  I've seen them transfer by boat and in the locks there.  I think there is also one in Duluth.  I'm not sure if there is one near Gary but I would guess there is one.
 I think it was bringing in a pilot from the boat that is the subject of the next post.  If you look closely, you can see the people are wearing masks.  I guess Covid-19 has reached the boats too.
 One more shot of the pilot boat leaving.
 A little while later, it returned.    It was going to link up with another boat that I caught this day.
 Heading to meet that ship.
 After returning from that ship.  I was amazed she was moving this fast because the water was so high.
I really like this picture.  Especially with the blue of the water.

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