Monday, May 18, 2020

The Vlieborg Passes By

I thought the next ship was a new ship to this blog, but it appears not.
 The Vlieborg is a saltie owned by the Dutch shipping company Wagenborg.
 I actually like these ships because they usually look like they are well cared for and that is rare for a salty.
 The Huron Spirit is catching up to her.  All non US or Canadian ships are required to have a Great Lakes pilot on them.  I think the pilots are more there for the ships to obey the laws and regulations of the Lakes rather than other roles.
 Like I said, these are pretty nice looking ships.
 For some reason, this bow reminds me of the late 1800's battleships or a galley.  I think it works better for saltwater ships.
 the beam shot.
 She is still being followed by the pilot boat.
 A stern shot.
One more, you can see the pilot boat at her side.

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