Monday, June 22, 2020

A Coast Guard Boat Comes In

So I made it in Grand Haven in time to catch the ship I wanted to catch.  She was lining up for the channel.  In front of her was a Coast Guard boat.
 I think the Coast Guard boat comes in to make sure the channel is mostly clear of pleasure boats.  It would be unfortunate if one of those boats ended up under the ship in question.
 This is one of the newer Coast Guard boats.  I think these are slowly replacing the Defender boats that are out there.
 While I like the Defender boats, these look a little friendlier.
 The Defender boats look almost like a military boat.  Although, I guess the Coast Guard is a military boat.
 One more shot of that boat.
And this boat was following behind the ship.  Again, keeping stuff relatively clear.

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