Friday, June 12, 2020

Catching Up With the Alpena

So the ship in question was the Alpena.  I haven't seen here yet this year.  She went out for a little bit and then returned to the barn and is now out and about again.  I wasn't able to catch her on earlier trips to Detroit but I decided that I would catch her this time.
I knew that the Alpena was heading to the cement plant, so I headed over to Del Ray Park to catch her there.  It is the best spot to catch her when she is going into that plant.  Also, you get a pretty decent shot of the skyline.  Unfortunately, it was pretty hot so the boat has heat haze.
 Still not too bad of a picture.
 I would like this picture more without the heat haze.
 I tried to see if making it black and white would help.  I think it did.
 As the boat got closer, the effects of heat haze were reduced.
 She passes the stone docks in Windsor.
 She gets closer.
 she passes the electric poles.
 She starts to make the turn for the cement dock.  The smoke coming from the front is from the front bow thruster.
 It was kind of windy day, so she had to do a little maneuvering.
 A little application of the engines to get in the right direction.
 She starts to make her turn towards the dock.
 A little more of a turn.
 You can see the grain
 This is probably the angle that I like the most.
 She slowly eases her way in to the dock.
 She has Zug Island in the background.
 For some reason, Han Solo's home planet in "Solo" reminded me of this.
 I kind of like the industrial background.
 An almost head shot.
 An application of the engines to get in place.
 She's almost at the dock.
 I think she gets ready to cast her lines out.
One more shot as she finally docks.

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