Monday, June 8, 2020

Return to the Peony Garden

So yesterday I went to the peony gardens because I heard that the flowers were blooming.  I checked it out about a week ago and it was not blooming then.  As I got there, it was busy but it wasn't as busy as in years past, so I stopped.
 It's always nice to see the peony gardens because there is a nice variety of flowers and colors.  I think I caught it at just about the right time this year.
 I think some of the flowers here are over 100 years old.  Well not the flowers but the plant that the flowers are on.  It would be a shame if we lost them.
 I think this kind is my favorite.  It looks the closest to being a flower.
 This was another of that type.  I think this one might be on the way out.
 It seems like many were just coming into bloom.  Which is funny because I think this is about the same time I caught pictures of these last year.  I do know that the time I have to get pictures of these is pretty fleeting.
 I'm always amazed and how many different flowers can be considered as peonies.
 I love it when there are some other colors mixed in.  I like to think that they are doing some crossbreeding.  But it may be something as simple as the bees moving some of the genetic material around.
 I love the pink highlights on this one.
 I took the picture from a different angle.
 I like these from a different angle as well.
 Another one.
 Sometimes its nice to pull the camera out.
 One with some subtle pink highlights.
 I really like this flower.
 I think this is another one that is fading on me.
 A pink version of that flower.
 Another pink flower.
 I kind of wish I knew the differences because I think all of these have different names.
 I kind of like this one with the bug in it.
 A pair of flowers.
 Another pink flower.
 Getting that from a different angle.  You can notice a little striping in the flower.
 And another angle.
 I think this is another new one.
 And a different angle.
 One of the ones that I like but it appears to be still blooming.
 I also like these.  They look like they have little tendrils that are ready to kill something.
 One with yellow.
 And pink.
 Another pink flower.
 A bloomed flower and one that still needs to bloom.
 A more reddish flower.
 Another angle.
 And from the side.
As you can see, there were a few people here.  there were a couple of people painting to the left.  It almost looks like the couple on the right saw a camera but they were too far away.

Anyway, I may try to come back later.

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