Thursday, June 4, 2020

Some Birds at Mission Point

Like I've said before, one of the nice aspects of boatwatching is that you have time to look at other things.  Since boatwatching on the Great Lakes is by some picturesque spots, you sometimes get some interesting birds.
 I like seagulls.  I think they have nice coloring and since they usually hang around in my happy place, they make me happy.
 I kind of liked this one against the clouds.
 I really like this one with the blurred out background.
 However, I've decided that the cormorant is my happy place bird.
 For the most part, they only hang out along the water.
 Plus I like watching them skim across the water when they fly by.
 When the light is right, they look pretty cool.
 they almost touch the water.
 This one was coming in for a landing.
 Flaps set....

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