Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Arthur M. Anderson Passes Del Ray

So I saw that the Arthur M. Anderson was on her return leg.  I was hoping to catch her as she was downbound on Sunday but she was passing Detroit to early to be caught. 
 I was pretty sure that she was going to make a fuel stop, so I headed to Del Ray since that is downriver from Mistersky Fuel Docks.
 She was heading up to Calcite after delivering iron ore to Conneaut.  I think the trip from Conneaut to Detroit is about 18 hours.  It also about the same time to Calcite from Detroit.
 I love catching the Anderson.  She is beautiful ship.
 She passes the grain elevator in Windsor.  I don't think I'll ever see her delivering grain though.
 Her normal cargoes are stone and iron ore.  She may occasionally deliver coal but I think that is rare.
 Probably my favorite shot with the grain elevator in back.
 One of the few spots in the lower Detroit River where you don't get an industrial background.
 Another shot of that.
 I think the building behind her is a trash incinerator.
 It looks like they are doing some construction on the Windsor side.
 She approaches the Algoma Conveyor.
 She's about to pass the Algoma Conveyor.
After the shot, she started to head to the fuel docks.  Typically it takes about 2 hours for a ship to refuel.  After that, she continued to Calcite.

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