Monday, July 6, 2020

And the Callaway

The next ship was about an hour away but it has been a while since I've caught her, so I decided to stick around to catch her.
 I think she was actually loaded and that seems to be unusual for ships.  I think her cargo would be stone.
 I think she was heading up to Duluth where she would drop off her cargo of stone and then pick up a cargo of iron.
 Anyway, there was still a bit of sunlight and it was lighting the ship perfectly.
 I kind of like this shot.
 The color of the water makes it look like she is moving through cement.
 You can see the navigation aid to the right.
 I like the look of the classics.
 I like this shot.
 As she got closer, the water looked more like water and you can kind of see her reflection in it.
 I just wish the water were smoother.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 the clouds looked pretty cool too.
 I kind of like this shot.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 Her deckhouse.
 I was trying to get some shots of her plimsoll lines so I had my bigger lens on.  unfortunately, those didn't turn out.
 Another shot of her stack.
 She continues on to the locks.  While I'm not a fan of stern shots, I like this one.
 Old Glory flying proudly.
And one more shot before moving on.

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