Saturday, July 25, 2020

And Now the Gott

The first boat that I caught was this one.
 The Edwin H. Gott was on her way to Conneaut, Ohio with a load of taconite.
 Taconite comes from the less than pure iron ore that is currently mined in Minnesota.  Most of the pure iron was mined during World War II.  The iron that comes out of the mine is taken to a smelter where it is refined into small pellets.
 Those pellets allow for a more consistent load.  They also are less likely to freeze in the winter because much of the moisture has been removed.
 Taconite is loaded in Superior, Duluth, Two Harbors, Silver Bay and Marquette.  There used to be a taconite dock in Escanaba but that was closed.
 I loved the clouds in the background of this picture.
 She starts to pass by.
 From this point, it is about 14 hours to Conneaut, Ohio.
 It was about 60 hours from Duluth to this point.  That makes it roughly a 3 day trip from Duluth to Conneaut, Ohio.
 Since none of the thousand footers can get through the Welland Canal, this is about the longest journey that they will take.
 A nice stern shot.
She is about to pass the subject of the next post.

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