Friday, July 24, 2020

Catching the Callaway

And this is the ship that brought me down to Detroit that day.
 It was nice catching the other ships but it is always nice to catch a classic laker.  And the Callaway is about as classic as they come.
 She passes by the Renaissance Center.  This is definitely one of the views that I like from Riverside Park.
 She makes the turn for the other part of the river.  She was coming in a littler closer to shore than usual.  I think that was to let another ship pass by.
 Because of that, it gave me some better angles.
 The headshot.
 She makes her turn for the rest of the river.  I think she was just heading to the stone dock on the other side of Riverside Park.  At first I thought she was heading for the stone dock on the other side of the Ambassador Bridge but she kept going on.
 A little smoke as she applies the bow thrusters for a slight turn.
 I love the looks of these ships.
 A shot of Windsor in the background.
 She passes the Ambassador Bridge.
 Because I can't get enough, a shot with the bridge in the middle.
 And she passes the bridge.
 She didn't have much further to go.
 A shot of the Stars and Stripes.
 The pilot boat at her side.  Like I said, I think she was offloading a crew member.  It seems weird they would do that here since she was going to be docking but oh well.
And the pilot boat pulls away.

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