Thursday, July 23, 2020

Catching an Early Morning 767

I'm still catching up to pictures from a couple of weeks ago.  Unfortunately the flight information for these planes would have disappeared but fortunately, I remember where they were coming from.
 I stopped at the airport again before going out boatwatching.  This time I left a little earlier because I wanted to catch a 767.
 This particular 767 belonged to Delta Airlines and I think it was actually being used for cargo.
 It was coming in from O'Hare Airport in Chicago.
 I'm not sure how much longer this flight will continue.  I would imagine as the COVID situation improves and Delta needs more passenger capacity, this will end.
 One more shot as it passes by.
 The hawk was hanging out in its tree.
 I waited around for the next flight.
It was a JetBlue A320 from Boston.

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