Monday, July 6, 2020

Indian Paintbrush

After catching the Clarke and the butterflies, I headed back to the Soo.  I needed to use the facilities and there is a roadside table on the side of the highway.  The roadside table is an earlier version of a rest area.  Typically they are found along the side of state and US highways.
 My mom said this is Indian paintbrush.  People on a site I go to on Facebook say something different.  I'll go with what my mom says.
Whatever it's called, it's pretty.


  1. I know this is a pretty old post but I also grew up calling this flower Indian paintbrush! It seems like in other areas Indian paintbrush is an entirely different flower. I'll stick to what my dad and grandma say, maybe it's a yooper thing?

  2. My grandmother also taught us that these were Indian paintbrush. She lived on Madeline Island, in Lake Superior. I'm with her.
