Friday, July 24, 2020

Messing With the Manitoulin

The next ship wasn't too long after the last ship.  In fact, there was a point of time where the two ships were passing each other.  At any rate.
 The Manitoulin is certainly one of the more unique looking ships on the lakes.  She had a rear mounted pilothouse with a fore mounted self unloader.  This is similar to the Algoma boat.  The new Interlake boat will have this configuration as well.
 I think this configuration helps in certain ports.
 From this angle, it kind of reminds me of a rhinoceros.
 She makes the turn for the other part of the Detroit River.
 she passes the subject of the last post.  With traffic down considerably, it doesn't seem like I've seen this as much this year.
 Another passing shot.
 The Manitoulin continues on her way.
 She passes part of Windsor.
 And is greeted by the Westcott.
 She passes under the Ambassador Bridge.
 Another shot with the Ambassador Bridge.
 And she pulls away.
Unfortunately, I don't remember where she was headed.

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