Friday, July 10, 2020

The CSL Welland Passes By

It's a shame that the ship I caught wasn't an American ship because it would have been appropriate for the holiday.  Oh well.
 The CSL Welland was making her way downbound past Detroit.  I think she was coming down from Thunder Bay.
 Because of her configuration, she would have been loaded with grain.  One of the reasons for this configuration is that they can carry more cargo.  The self unloading apparatus takes up space (and weight).  Grain is typically unloaded by a giant vacuum or a giant claw.
 She was passing the REnaissance Center.
 This is one of the spots in Detroit where I can get a headshot.  Unfortunately, it was hot enough and there was some heat haze.
 She starts to turn away.
 I think she was heading to Montreal but don't quote me on that.
 Typically when they go to Montreal, they unload there and a bigger ship will take the grain to the European market.
 She almost passes me.
 And she starts to pass under the bridge.
 I liked the clouds in this picture.  The almost matched the curves of the suspension wire.
 Another picture.
 She continues on her way.
If I remember correctly it is about two days to Montreal from this point (thereabouts).  That makes it about a 5 day trip.

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