Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Detroit Police Boat Makes an Appearance

As I was waiting for the Cuyahoga, I noticed the Detroit Police Boat coming down the river.  I like the looks of it, so of course, I took pictures.
 I think this is one of a couple of police boats.
 You can see the Cuyahoga behind her.  I kind of like this shot.
 I think it was recently repainted.  It looks kind of nice.  I also think Detroit got their hands on one of the Defender boats.
 And you can see the Canadian flag in the background.
 Another angle of it.
 she comes close to my spot.
Unfortunately, I couldn't quite get a beam shot as I had my big lens on the camera.  My big lens only goes down to 150mm and that's not quite small enough to get a close up shot.  Anyways....

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