Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Grand Haven Lighthouse

Last week, I saw that the Kaye E. Barker was heading into Grand Haven.  I knew that I couldn't make it in time to catch her entering Grand Haven but I was pretty sure I could catch her leaving Grand Haven.  It seems like the ships back out when they leave Grand Haven, so for me it is almost like I am catching them as they enter Grand Haven.
When I first entered Grand Haven, it was a mad house.  There were people everywhere and it didn't look like I was going to get a parking spot.  I was about to give up when I remembered there was a little park on the other side of the river.  Of course it started to rain when I headed over there, that might have helped in clearing out the people.  It was almost empty and provided a good spot to catch the Barker.  As I was waiting for the Barker, I decided to take a picture of the lighthouse.  Judging by the pier, I might have been able to go back to my original idea but I'm glad I didn't.

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