Thursday, August 13, 2020

Catching the Huron Spirit

 Port Huron is one of the pilot transfer points on the Great Lakes.  I think it covers the section from Port Huron to Detroit in the south and up to the Soo in the North.  And it only applies to the Non-US or Canadian ships on the Great Lakes.  The captains of Great Lakes ships already have pilotage licenses.

As I was waiting for the next ship, the Huron Spirit came out.  I assumed that she was going to transfer pilots on the Azoresborg.  It seemed like she was running late as they usually do the transfers near the Blue Water Bridge.
I will have to say that she pushes alot of water and creates alot of wake. 
In fact when I went to my other spot, she got me wet when I was waiting for the next ship and she returned.  I was not a happy camper although part of that has to do with the lake levels.  I'd swear that lake levels are higher than the last time I was up here.
the lighting was pretty nice for me.
I kind of like this shot.
She passes in front of the casino.
 And continues out to Lake Huron.

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